Hand and Portable Power Tool Safety
It is Ohio State's policy to take precautions to eliminate hazards associated with the use of hand and portable power tools and to ensure employees are properly trained to utilize these tools in a safe manner to minimize injuries related to their use. The Hand & Portable Power Tool Safety Program prescribes the duty to maintain tools and equipment, use hand and portable power tools in a safe manner, and minimize injury and/or accidents associated with their use.
Hand and Portable Power Tool Safety Program
OSU Shop Safety Program 2013
OSU EHS - Shop Safety Hazard Matrix
Ohio PERRP Hand Tools Safety
OSHA Hand and Power Tools
OSHA Nail Gun Safety
OSHA Machine Guarding
Reducing Power Tool Injuries - training (.pdf)
The College of Food, Agricultural and Environmental Sciences follows a training program that can be accessed via OSU Environmental Health and Safety website. (www.ehs.osu.edu) A shop safety module and a hand & power tool module are available for faculty, staff and students. Additional training specifc to equipment, processes, or locations may be required by the supervisor.
To start the training (OSU employees / students):
1) Click on this link - https://ehs.osu.edu/training
2) Cick on the Occupational Health & Safety content area.
3) Scroll down to locate the Hand & Power Tool Safety training course and click on "Take this Course".
4) Sign in using your osu.edu login (last name.###).
5) At the end of the on-line training you will be prompted to take the quiz.
6) Once training has been completed, a list your training sessions will be listed under “My Training”.
If you have any questions regarding CFAES Shop Safety, please contact Kent McGuire at mcguire.225@osu.edu or 292-0588. You may also contact the OSU Environmental Health and Safety Office online at http://ehs.osu.edu/ or by phone at (614) 292-1284.
Reviewed / Updated: 11/17/20 K. McGuire