Chemical & Universal Waste Program
Chemical Waste
The University has very broad policies that require compliance by students, faculty, and staff. These policies involve the various air and water pollution rules, regulations, and standards issued by local, state, and federal agencies that govern waste chemicals. Except where permitted, there shall be no purposeful discharge of waste chemicals to sinks, drains, or sewers without the explicit authority of the regulating authority. Based upon these circumstances, the Office of Environmental Health and Safety (EHS) has provided a no-cost service of properly storing, transporting, and disposing of waste chemicals generated on all campuses.
The Hazardous Waste group within EHS is charged with managing hazardous wastes (both chemical and infectious) generated by research at The Ohio State University Columbus Campus and the various regional campuses. The Ohio State University Chemical Waste program is utilized to pick up and dispose of these hazardous chemicals. Individuals may submit chemical disposal requests to the Environmental Health and Safety using EHS Online at EHS Online Waste Disposal Request.
Do you have a hazardous chemical Waste?
Is your waste ignitable?
Is your waste corrosive?
Is your waste reactive?
Is your waste toxic?
Is your waste from a specific source?
Is your waste from a non-specific source?
Is your waste a commercially discarded product, off specification species, container residue or spill residue?
If you answered yes to any of the questions above, then your waste is classified as a hazardous waste as defined by EPA and must be disposed of through EHS in accordance with current regulations. Consult the Chemical Management Guidebook or contact EHS for further information.
Universal Waste
The federal Resource Conservation and Recovery Act (RCRA) is the act that allows the Environmental Protection Agency to promulgate regulations governing the generation, transport, and disposal of “Universal Wastes”. The regulations were developed to promote the collection and recycling of special categories of hazardous waste. It should be noted that Universal Wastes includes batteries, lamps, mercury containing equipment, pesticides, as well as ballasts and thermostats.
Universal Wastes are managed through the Office of Environmental Health and Safety’s (EHS) Hazardous Waste Program. Generators of such waste can make a request to EHS to pick up these materials, as well as to provide containers for their storage to facilitate transport. Individuals may submit chemical disposal requests to the Environmental Health and Safety using EHS Online at EHS Online Waste Disposal Request.
Chemical Management Guidebook
Chemical Waste Flow Chart
OSU EHS Environmetal Program
OSU EHS Universal Waste Program
Waste Container Labeling Guidelines
Universal Waste Compliance Flyer
Waste Batteries Guidelines
Ballast Waste Guidelines
Universal Waste (OEPA guidance)
If you have any questions regarding chemical or universal waste, please contact Kent McGuire at or 292-0588. You may also contact the OSU Environmental Health and Safety Office online at or by phone at (614) 292-1284.
Reviewed / Updated: 10/28/20 K. McGuire