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CFAES Safety and Compliance home

College of Food, Agricultural, and Environmental Sciences

Confined Space Permits

The Ohio State University workplace contains potentially hazardous enclosed spaces, which may be classified as Permit Required Confined Spaces or Non-Permit Required Confined Spaces. Examples of confined spaces include manholes, vaults, tanks, tunnels, boilers, silos, bins, pits, crawl spaces, storm/sanitary drains, and sumps. Employees may be required, as part of their job duties to enter these spaces to perform inspection, repair or maintenance activities.
Spaces such as those mentioned above, may contain hazardous atmospheres including chemical (toxic/flammable) vapors and/or oxygen deficiency.  For more information on Confined Space procedures on the Wooster Campus click on the button below.

Confined Space Permits are required whenever staff enter a Permit Required space on campus.  Contact Us to schedule your confined space work.


Confined Space entry


Confined Space entry preperation